Stick vs. Coil Carton Staples: What’s the Difference?

Wednesday April 24 2024


Stick vs. Coil Carton Staples: What’s the Difference?

In the world of packaging and shipping, properly securing cartons helps keep goods secured so that they arrive at their destinations safely. Among the options available for sealing cartons, stick and coil carton staples stand out for their reliability and efficiency. But they have a myriad of differences. Let’s briefly look at the difference between stick and coil carton staples. A much more informed way of knowing what you’re buying is enhancing shipment safety and integrity.

Understanding Stick Carton Staples

A stick carton staple is essentially an interconnected stick of staples that feed through the gun in a linear path. These staples are a combination of glue and small, strategically placed paper “cling” points that ensure they stay aligned and ready for use. This type of staple eliminates the need to reload constantly, making continuous stapling possible in high-volume situations.

Stick carton staples are typically preferable where large quantities of the same size staple need to fasten to things without interruption, such as in production lines or automated packaging systems. While they provide a great labor-saving supply, they do require a certain setup, such as adjusting the stapler’s staple size before use.

Coil Carton Staples Unraveled

On the other hand, coil carton staples are in a coil and feed into the staple gun via a secondary spring mechanism. This setup provides flexibility and ease of use, as the staple gun can generally hold more staples at once than a stick version, reducing the frequency of refills. This design also allows a staple gun to use different staple sizes without manual adjustment.

Coil carton staples are often the choice for those in manual packaging and fulfillment, as they allow for more variably-sized projects and reduce the time spent on maintenance and setup. The spiral design also offers a form of shock absorption during use due to the spring feed, making it suitable for rougher handling or portable applications.

Which Is Right for You?

Choosing between stick and coil carton staples ultimately comes down to your specific application. Stick carton staples are kings in high-volume, same-size projects, where precise and consistent performance without interruption is crucial. Meanwhile, coil carton staples offer greater versatility and resilience. They’re ideal for those who handle a varied workload or need to move around from job to job.

In the end, whether you go for the stick or the coil, rest assured that you're making a staple choice that’ll help keep your materials secure for transit or organizational purposes. Salco Staple Headquarters offers a wide range of cardboard staple guns. If you're ready to upgrade your packaging game, explore the variety of options available at Salco Staple Headquarters today.