Our incredible range of hammer tacker staplers at Salco Staple Headquarters meets performance expectations across various applications. Whether you’re a crafter, contractor, or upholsterer, you’ll find that our selection spans from the robust slap stapler for upholstery challenges to the precision-driven staple hammers for roofing and insulating tasks. The staple hammer tacker is efficient, durable, and reliable, ensuring excellence in every strike. Experience the epitome of quality with our hammer tacker stapler and other staple hammers to meet your project’s most strenuous demands.
Whatever your application, Salco Staple Headquarters has hammer tacker staplers and hammer staple guns to suit your needs exactly. Whether you’re a professional or a DIYer, our hammer tackers are perfect for many applications, including roofing, insulating, and upholstery. We provide a wide selection of hammer staplers that are durable and dependable, improving efficiency while giving you a tool that will last for ages. Learn more about our hammer tackers below.
Bostitch PC2K, H30-8; hammer tacker staplers use STCR5019 powercrown staples, 1/4" - 1/2" staple length. Stainless steel staples available.
Applications of slap (or hammer) staplers: Tagging, Insulation, Rug pads, Roofing, Displays, Upholstery, Canvas framing. From 1/4" up to 1/2" staple length.
Salco A11 heavy-duty hammer tacker stapler uses A11 (T50 Type) staples 1/4" - 3/8" staple length. Divergent staples available.
Applications Include: Tagging, Insulation, Rug pads, Roofing, Displays, Upholstery, Canvas framing.
Rapid R311 hammer tacker uses T50 Flat Wire staples, from 1/4" up to 9/16" staple length.
Applications: Fitted Carpets, Insulation, Roofing Felt Paper, Labels.
Bostitch H30-6 Light-Duty slap stapler uses STCR2619 powercrown staples, 1/4" - 3/8" staple length.
Applications: Tagging, Tacking, Decorative trim, Labeling.
Salco A19 hammer tacker is used for light-duty tagging, tacking, decorative trim, labeling. The hammer tacker uses Rapid 19/6 1/4" [6 mm] fine wire staples.
Check out our collection of hammer staple guns and order today!