Rapid Tools and Fasteners | Salco Staple Headquarters

Rapid staplers 
Rapid is a company established in Sweden in 1936.The Rapid brand stands for tradition, design, innovation plus high quality, satisfied customers and competence. Rapid’s extensive range of tools includes everything from staplers, staples, and tackers to high-tech industrial fasteners for construction projects. This company is committed to constantly improving its products and services to meet the changing needs of its customers. If you’re looking for high-quality Rapid tools for a wide variety of projects, browse our selection at Salco today.
The company is in control of the whole product process starting with research & development, manufacturing, distribution and all the way to marketing. Constant improvement of this process has made Rapid the leading fastening specialist in 120 countries all over the world. See the difference Rapid tools can make in your own construction processes.