Practical Tips for Reupholstering an Old Ottoman


Practical Tips for Reupholstering an Old Ottoman

Reupholstering is a great hobby that can keep you occupied for hours. That said, it can be a difficult task to pick up and take a bit of getting used to. That’s why it’s important to start small and work your way up the ranks from easy upholstering projects to difficult ones. For beginners, a project like reupholstering an ottoman is an excellent choice. It only requires a small amount of fabric, and you can complete the entire reupholstering process in a few hours. Rather than provide a step-by-step process, we’ll give you a few practical tips for reupholstering an old ottoman below.

Find the Right Fabric

So you’re at your local fabric shop. You turn the aisle, and suddenly, you’re facing yards of fabric. There are many fabric choices out there, but which ones are ideal for you to choose? Cotton is a classic pick. It’s durable, and you can easily clean it. It also has a ton of textures and prints you can choose from. But it can also shrink, which is a problem since it could pull at the ottoman at the sides and tear.

Linen is the strongest fabric. It’s both easier to clean and tougher than the previous choice. It can resist stains, which is highly beneficial if you have a small child. Anyone who has children can attest that stains get everywhere. That said, it can also wrinkle, giving your ottoman an aged look.

Wool is another great fabric choice. It’s cozy and comfortable, but watch out! It can be a bit too warm in summer because it retains heat. However, you may appreciate that it can withstand quite a bit of wear and tear with minimal damage. It creases less than linen and is easy to clean as well. This is an essential tip for reupholstering your old ottoman: the right fabric makes all the difference. 

The Right Tools

To start the process, you need the right tools. You require the fabric of your choice, a ruler to measure it, and something to fasten the fabric. This last item can come in the form of an upholstery air staple gun or even a hammer tacker. On top of this, you’ll need scissors to cut the fabric and, of course, the ottoman itself. Don’t forget your needles, either! They’ll fix the fabric onto the ottoman while you work. After you gather the right tools, you’ll be well on your way to properly reupholstering your ottoman.

What To Do When Your Ottoman Has External Parts

If you can, remove the legs and other external pieces of an ottoman before you start the reupholstering process. You’ll be thankful you did. Those other parts only bring more complications to an intricate process, so doing this makes less fuss. If you want, you can even repaint the removed components separately, which will help you develop another skill. Overall, upholstering your ottoman is a fun and rewarding process. If you’re interested in getting more tools to help you do the job, we have them here at Staple Headquarters. Shop with us today!