Heavy-Duty Long Reach Staplers - Long Staplers


Same-day free shipping on our long reach staplers for booklets, including staples! (B440SB excluded).

Extended 2-year warranty for Kangaro heavy-duty long reach staplers.

Heavy-duty long reach staplers have adjustable throat depth up to 16 inches which you can use for booklets and bookbinding applications. Long reach staplers can staple up to 180 sheets of paper depending on the model.

Long reach staplers can bind a child’s oversized posterboard “book” or a tabloid-sized art gallery catalog, and many things in between. You’ll never have to damage your project just to get to the center to staple it together, saddle-stitch style. Long-neck staplers can reach to the center fold without bending or creasing the pages.

Kangaro heavy-duty long reach staplers use high carbon staples for ultra-dense materials, up to 1-inch leg length. 23 series staples are interchangeable with the Swingline #13 series and Bostitch SB35. Order a heavy-duty long reach stapler today!

See also:

  • Romalang 17 Long reach stapler perfect for all multi-page stapling needs in law offices, accounting departments, banks, schools etc.
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  • B440SB Bostitch booklet stapler for centerline stapling, binding pamphlets and brochures.
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  • Salco long reach stapler heavy duty. Staples up to 140 sheets. 10.5 throat depth. Uses 23 series high carbon staples. Free Shipping on order.
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  • Kangaro HD-23L24FL super heavy duty long reach stapler stapler. For booklet binding applications. Staples up to 180 sheets. Uses 23 series staples.
    $119.00 EA
  • $48.50 EA
  • $51.50 EA
  • Staplex Long reach electric stapler by Salco. Staples up to 40 sheets of 20-lbs paper.
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