Working with industrious tools means knowing when they require repair and understanding the best ways to fix them. This is especially true if you hope to get the absolute most out of your projects by returning these tools to their optimal function. Even devices as simple as hammer tackers or heavy-duty staplers require specific techniques to unjam or repair them properly.
Luckily, we’ve compiled a comprehensive guide to help you through the process of unjamming your hammer tacker in the safest and most efficient way possible. Explore this step-by-step explanation of what goes into unjamming your heavy-duty stapler and get back to doing the work you love!
Figure Out What’s Causing the Jam
If you’re trying to figure out how to quickly and safely unjam your hammer tacker, pinpointing what’s causing the issue is an excellent place to start. Typically, this isn’t a terribly complicated task. Most of the time, a jammed hammer tacker comes down to something simple like a dented or bent staple in your staple rows clogging things up. After all, we tend to push our tools to the max.
And when we push too hard or try to penetrate materials that don’t align with a stapler’s capabilities, it can cause it to stop functioning correctly. Even something as simple as the last few staples in your staple channel getting misaligned can cause a jam. For this reason, it’s wise to start this process by examining your tool to find the cause of the blockage and taking it apart for further review if necessary.
Decide on the Best Unjamming Method
Sorting out the root of the problem allows you to assess the severity of the jam. As a result, you’ll be able to determine the best way to fix it. We know—how difficult can it be to remove a bent or dented staple? Sometimes, stapler jams are a bit more challenging than they appear.
In some cases, slamming the head of your stapler against a shoe or other rubber surface a few times will do the trick. However, other times, unjamming your hammer staple gun requires taking it apart piece by piece with a screwdriver. Then, inspecting the staple channel further and removing stubborn, minuscule staples with pliers. That’s why it’s crucial to ensure that you’re using the most effective method to get your stapler unstuck.
Make Sure You Have the Proper Tools Nearby
Once you have a firm grasp on the nature of your stapler’s jam, it’s wise to determine whether or not you’re going to need any additional tools nearby to help you out. For instance, if you happen to be working with superfine or sharp staples, it might be beneficial to have some needle nose pliers lying around. They can help you extract any particularly stuck, damaged, or hard-to-reach staples from your tool.
Moreover, any time you’re working with heavy-duty stapling mechanisms, it’s best to have a screwdriver and some durable work gloves readily available. Screwdrivers will help you make quick work of disassembling parts of your tacker when necessary. And work gloves will ensure that your hands are adequately protected from mischievous staples as you work with your device to fix the jam.
Start the Unjamming Process
Of course, once you figure out the best method and gather the proper tools, it’s time to get busy with the actual unjamming process. As previously stated, there are many different ways you can go about unjamming your stapler. But in most situations, the following method is the most effective, safe, and efficient way to get rid of a jam.
#1. Squeeze the Stapling End of the Hammer
Doing this opens up your tool so that you can eventually access your staple channel.
#2. Remove Your Locking Pin
Removing your pin will release the end clip so you can maneuver it easily (depending on which kind of tacker you’re using, you’ll want a screwdriver handy for this part).
#3. Press Your End Clip in and Up
Pressing your end clip inward and then applying upward pressure will allow you access to your tool’s spring assembly.
#4. Pull Out the Spring Assembly
Pulling out the spring assembly will give you the space you need to remove your staple channel and access the jam.
#5. Remove Your Staple Channel
Removing your staple channel from the tacker should allow you to get a closer view of what is explicitly causing the stapler to jam.
#6. Clear Out the Jam and Reassemble
After you remove and take a closer look at your staple channel, determine which staple(s) need releasing in order to fix the issue. Then, use your pliers and other tools to remove the problematic staple quickly and effectively.
Test It Out Before You Work With It Again
Learning how to quickly and safely unjam your hammer tacker is usually pretty straightforward. However, like any other heavy-duty device you use in your work, failing to be thorough in the repair process can cause issues to arise later when you take the tool out for use again.
Thus, once you unjam your hammer tacker, we highly recommend testing it out to ensure that it’s functioning correctly before attempting to use it. You can do this by simply hammering a few staples into some sample materials. If the staples penetrate the materials adequately, it’s safe to assume you successfully unjammed it. Testing your tool before reuse will ensure that you have effectively resolved the jam. Plus, you can begin work on your projects with confidence in your device’s capabilities.
No matter what your work might entail, being able to rely on your tools to do their jobs effectively is integral to achieving the results you’re after in every stage of your projects. Hammer tackers and heavy-duty staplers are no exception to this, either.
That’s why understanding how to repair your stapler when it gets jammed is so imperative. Hopefully, this comprehensive guide gave you some valuable insight into how to go about unjamming your tools so that you can fix this type of issue quickly and get back to working on your favorite projects.