The first consideration when choosing a stapler for a fastening job is the fit—you must choose the correct staple to be compatible with the industrial stapler or staple gun you’re using. But after that, there are several additional considerations.
Type of Wire
Stapes come in fine, medium or heavy gauge wire, and these various types work best for different types of jobs.
Fine wire: “fine” in this case means thin; a thinner wire is suitable for fastening more delicate materials. Fine wire staples also have a low profile, making them less visible once applied. They’re good for working with fabrics or for labeling.
Medium wire: a slightly thicker wire that holds better than fine wire, often used to fasten wood to wood or fastening something made of plastic. Sometimes used for subfloors and packaging.
Heavy wire: better for home construction and fastening thicker materials. These usually have a wider, flat “crown” that provides more holding areas. Roofing and furniture framing jobs may need heavy wire staples.
Crown Width
The “crown” of the staple is the horizontal part on top, perpendicular to the “legs” that penetrate the materials you are fastening together. Narrow crown staples are sturdier and narrower, as the name implies. Narrow crown staples cover a smaller area and usually penetrate deeper, so they’re best for things such as molding, paneling, and drawers. Narrow crown staple wire is round or flat and the tips of the legs have angles or points. Due to the smaller area they cover, they are less noticeable. Medium crown staples cover a larger area, so designers may use them for furniture or flooring. Further, wide crown staples are those big flat ones you find closing cartons and other kinds of packaging, where it doesn’t matter so much how it looks but that the staples keep the cartons closed.
Cable staples have rounded crowns and fasten computer, tv, and phone cables.
Leg Length
The “legs” of the staple are the two parallel parts that penetrate the materials you are fastening together. The rule of thumb is to multiply the thickness of the material by three. For very fine or thin material, simply add four millimeters to the thickness of the material. The tips of the legs may be square or pointed, and some staples have legs that diverge (splay outward) when the staple penetrates materials.
Type of Metal
If you’ll be using staples outdoors, you should think about corrosion. Galvanized staples (steel-coated with zinc) resist rust and corrosion. Copper coated staples work well for cartons, but not so well in damp environments. Aluminum resists magnetism and is easier to cut. Stainless steel has an even higher resistance to corrosion than galvanized staples
We at Staple Headquarters hope this brief guide has helped you choose the correct staple for your project. We can help you learn more about the kinds of staples and which you’ll need to complete your job.