Electric Office Staplers

We offer a wide range of electric office staplers for packaging and industrial applications to accommodate your office’s needs. Electric desktop staplers are convenient alternatives to traditional staplers. They require less effort to achieve the same results and save time. Our electric office staplers come from Bostitch, Rapid, and our own Salco brand. If you work in any workplace that needs to staple together large documents or books, we recommend a heavy-duty electric stapler for the office. Our options can staple up to 80 pages together. Check out our selection today!
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See Also:

  • B8E Bostitch office electric stapler. Staples up to 45 sheets of paper.
    $63.25 EA
  • Salco Rapid R105E electric stapler staples up to 50 sheets of 20 lbs paper. Made in Sweden.
    $429.00 EA
  • Salco Rapid 106 electric stapler for flat and saddle stapling. Up to 50 pages. Made in Sweden.
    $540.00 EA
  • The Rapid 90E electric stapler, superior quality parts for the best performance and long service life. Up to 30 sheets. Made in Sweden.
    $215.00 EA
  • Extremely quiet Rapid 5050 electric stapler. Staples up to 50 sheets. Made in Sweden.
    $450.00 EA
  • Rapid 5080 electric stapler. Quiet, fast stapling of up to 80 pages. Made in Sweden.
    $424.00 EA