STCR5019 1/2-inch staples. Galvanized. 5,000/box. Salco brand.



Item Number: PSTCR5019/12

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Bostitch STCR5019 type staples, Salco brand. 1/2-inch leg length, 7/16-inch crown. Galvanized. 5,000/box. Interchangeable with Bostitch STCR5019, JK 694, Prebena FB staples. Chisel point.
Interchangeable with Bostitch STCR5019, Rapid 31, Prebena FB staples.

Fit all JK694 series staplers; PC2K hammer tacker; T6-8, Bostitch PC 1000/3000/4000/5000; Salco P694, T694, H694, Tornado; Markwell G-series, MG-series, MP6-6/8 and others.