3 Ways To Tastefully Display Family Photos

Wednesday May 17 2023


3 Ways To Tastefully Display Family Photos

You have many choices if you want to revamp your home and create memories. You can build a bookcase, buy a statue, or even alter the lighting. That said, why don’t you choose to celebrate some memories? Hanging family photos up around the house in a way that’s both coherent and pleasing to the eye may be difficult, but we’re here to help you with that. Check out our list of ways to tastefully display family photos below.

Ensure They Share a Theme

No matter where or how you choose to display your family photos, you should consider doing so in a way that codifies some theme. Doing this with family photos can be difficult because you might think they’re random. That said, you can still group them in ways that make sense. Try to create a grid-like structure of your time with your family that involves you all going to the beach.

If you had a particularly good time in a certain state or country, you could take a cluster of pictures at various landmarks. Pictures of grandparents, great-grandparents, and other family members are also popular. Regardless, there are several ways to display family photos tastefully. This is just the tip of the iceberg.

Choose the Right Frame

When you have a photo cluster, choosing the right frame will be wise. You need a frame stapler to put your photos in place and fit them correctly, but once you do, you’ll be happy you took the extra effort. Ensure that most of the frames are the same size—unless you’re going for a “grid” look—and also have the same frame type. Don’t set a wooden picture frame next to a picture with a vinyl frame. In this case, it’s better to ensure they’re all vinyl or wood to begin with. This will give your photos a sleek, modernized, unified look.

Choose the Right Arrangement

It’s important to choose the right arrangement of photos. You can proudly display them on top of a shelf or another display. You can place them on the walls in your hallway or staircase. It’s up to you. However, we recommend that if you’re going to arrange them, do so in a coherent fashion. A fascinating option is the “grid,” which allows you to place photos of different shapes and sizes on the wall in a square or rectangular shape. Alternatively, as seen in museums, you can display them on top of floating shelves or even arrange them like a gallery on the wall. If you take these steps, you’ll have a beautiful arrangement of photos in no time.

If you’re interested in arranging your photos for your latest DIY project, look at what we offer here at Salco. We have everything you need to bring your project to life.