Making a booklet doesn’t have to be a long and challenging process; you can do it with the tools and materials you already have around the house. There are three simple steps for making a booklet using a long-reach stapler without purchasing specialized equipment to get the job done. Take stock of what you already have and make a few quick purchases if you find yourself short on something.
Step 1: Make Sure You Have Everything You Need
Before you do anything, you’ll need to know if you’re missing anything critical to the booklet-making process. You’re not going to need many things on your list, and you can usually find them lying around the house. They are:
- Long-Reach Stapler. Obviously, to make a booklet with a long-reach stapler, you’re going to need a long-reach stapler. The point of having it is to ensure your staples can reach the center point of your paper. The stapler has a lot of ground to cover if you’re using standard printer paper.
- Office Paper. These are going to make up the pagers inside the booklet itself. They’re relatively thin, making it easy to fit in a lot of pages if the need arises.
- Cardstock Paper. This special, heavy-duty paper makes up your cover. Cardstock, because of its thickness and durability, goes on the outside to protect the pages on the inside. It’s meant to take a beating so the delicate office paper doesn’t deteriorate.
Step 2: Know How To Staple the Paper
Next, after you have all your materials and pages in order, you need to staple everything together. After lining up your pages—cardstock on the outside, office paper on the inside—bring out your stapler. Find the midpoint of your paper and staple it three times along this line; one staple near the top, one exactly in the middle, and one near the bottom.
For the best results, make sure you evenly distribute the staples along the midline. Grouping two staples too close to one another can weaken the third staple, exposing it to more stress than the other two.
Step 3: Test Out Your Results
After the stapling process is complete, fold your booklet to see if everything is even and holding together properly. If you find that the pages don’t line up or place the staples along the spine evenly, you may have to disassemble the booklet and try it again.
For Larger Productions
If you find yourself needing to compose and produce many little booklets in quick succession, you may need to invest in an automatic booklet stapler. While making a booklet with a long-reach stapler is a speedy process when you only need to make one, you might need specialized tools for larger productions.